Athlete Box - Our Mission & Team.
Here at Athlete Box we believe in better! Maybe you want to improve your fitness, gain that edge or like us launch a business to help others achieve it.
We believe in the value of community and belonging, we want Athlete Box to not only deliver nutrition but bring likeminded individuals together to achieve better. This page of the website is dedicated to giving you the opportunity to get to know the face behind the box (apologises, we’re not too pretty)
What better way to feel part of our community than to tell mine, Harry’s and the story of Athlete Box! The idea for Athlete Box began with Harry’s (Founder #1) individual pursuit for better, he was preparing for his first 100 mile ultra marathon to test himself with Louis his sleep deprived support crew (me, Founder #2). When prepping for his race nutrition it became clear to us quite quickly that getting sufficient nutrition was going to be tedious and expensive. Our options, ordering bulk product packs from loads of brands that were all the same flavour (dull!) and meant we had far in excess of what was needed or option two buying individual products from different brands at (in our opinion) extortionate prices! From here we realised that others must feel the same way too, so we conducted research amongst fellow athletes and Athlete Box was born.
Excuse the less than fresh faces, picture one was 5 am and picture two was 60 miles in!
Want to Join the Team?
Well if you’re still reading we can only assume it’s a yes and the good news is there are plenty of ways you can get involved. Firstly, become a subscriber, purchase our flagship Athlete Box product and dial in your nutrition every month with a repeat subscription. If this isn’t for you, that’s fine! We know some Athlete’s (Harry included) are eternal cynics so we offer a one off box to dip your toe and give you a chance to see what the hype is about!
Regardless if you choose to dial in your nutrition with us we’d love for you to be part of our journey. You can follow our progress using the Instagram link above or if social media isn’t your thing you can subscribe to our email newsletter for monthly tips on nutrition, supplements and everything sports and fitness by creating an account on our home page or simply emailing us at Office@athletebox.co.uk.
Finally like any good company should, we always welcome feedback so our inbox & DM’s are always open for ideas, and ways we can improve the team!
The Boring Stuff…
Unfortunately, it can’t all be fun and games! We have to include our polices, follow the links below to find out everything you might ever need to know or for some bedtime reading that is all but guaranteed to send you off to sleep! If once isn’t enough for you these can also be found at checkout and in the website footer!